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What Forms of Therapy Can Help Child Sex Abuse Victims?


In a number of our posts this summer, we have highlighted the benefits of therapy for child sex abuse victims. Therapy serves a number of purposes. It helps abuse victims understand that they are not to blame for their situations, so they can regain a healthy sense of self-worth and self-compassion. It also helps them move past painful memories that continue to haunt them.

But what type of therapy is best for a particular victim? The answer is “it depends.” With that, this post will briefly describe a few therapy systems.

Narrative therapy – A collaborative and empowering form of therapy that focuses on the victim’s own natural competencies and skills that can guide them to solutions. Essentially, the person is separated from their problems to focus on how they can move on from a bad situation.

EMDR – Known as Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy, this form of therapy focuses on bilateral stimulation, such as eye movement, to help the victim process unresolved past memories that may continue to harm him or her.

Mindfulness techniques – This essentially refers to practices that help the victim be in tune with their emotions and understand how to break free of the pain that they previously experienced through abuse.

Group therapy – Some abuse victims may feel comfortable with sharing their experiences within a small setting, likely with other victims, so that they may all find refuge within each other.

If you have questions about forms of therapy after enduring abuse, an attorney who has experience helping sex abuse victims can advise you.
