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California Child Sexual Assault Attorneys 916-623-4914

Sex Abuse Problem Noted: Special Prosecutorial Team Formed in La


One former Los Angeles prosecutor says that, while it is "a good idea," people "shouldn't get their expectations up."

What that commentator is addressing is the recent announcement that Los Angeles County will establish a special task force of government attorneys to examine entertainment industry-based allegations of sexual assault and related crimes.

California readers of our victims' advocacy website at the Law Offices of Joseph C. George, Ph.D., certainly know that the need for such an entity is urgent, even compelling. The details that have emerged over the past couple of months in the wake of allegations against industry heavyweight Harvey Weinstein and other principals are sordid and sadly repetitive.

And not surprising.

Indeed, accusations of child sexual abuse and tandem misconduct against adults in the television and movie industry are common and have been noted for many years. The difference now, following the Weinstein disclosures, is that the spotlight on sexual criminal activity is steady and unwavering.

Still, the above-cited prosecutor's comment underscores the challenges that confront accusers in many cases. Chief among them are long lapses of time that sometimes occur between an assault and its reporting, and the corresponding difficulty in collecting meaningful evidence to prove a case.

We highlight the timing problem on our website, noting the state's imposition of "time limits for filing lawsuits related to sexual abuse."

Given that constraint, it is key for a sex abuse victim seeking empowerment and a meaningful legal remedy to act with dispatch following a perpetrator's criminal behavior.

We certainly urge them to do so, standing ready to offer candid guidance and diligent representation that fully promotes their legal rights.
