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California Child Sexual Assault Attorneys 916-623-4914

Hitting the Pavement Therapeutic, Redemptive for Abuse Victim


It’s hard to say presently where Christian Griffith is exactly, but this much is certain: He’s running.

And what turns out to be Griffith’s ultra-marathon is clearly a journey that is not focused on a retreat from challenge or adversity. Rather, it is more akin to an in-your-face endeavor that peels away an element of sadness and loss with each mile covered.

So far, lots of terrain has been traversed.

In fact, Griffith set out on a coast-to-coast run to redemption some time back and was – at least this past Monday – maneuvering steadily through Indian en route to his ultimate arrival in San Francisco.

Some people run for money, others for glory.

Griffith runs because doing so layers him with a heightened purpose conferred through fund raising. As he tracks miles, the Run 2 Heal organization’s coffers benefit. Griffith is raising money – hopefully $1 million – to prevent and treat child sexual abuse.

He was himself a victim. Like many other victims, he readily acknowledges that the trauma still remains with him as an adult. Running effectively helps him to do something about it.

“[N]ow, for the first time in my life, I’m doing something where I’m focused on others,” he says. “Doing something bigger than myself.”

That outward focus is promoting self-healing, Griffith says.

We laud Griffith’s effort and courage at the California Law Offices of Joseph C. George, Ph.D. He is a prime example of the type of person we note on our victims’ advocacy website as showing “strength … in reclaiming their own life while taking action to prevent abuse.”

We wish him an easy stride and a light spirit as he powers home the remaining miles to the Bay Area.
